Course curriculum

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • 1.1 The importance of financial learning

    • 1.2 How advertisers target teens!

    • 1.3 The importance of saving

    • 1.4 Talking about superannuation

    • 1.5 The importance of asking questions

    • 1.6 Careers and financial life skills

    • 1.7 Talking about mindset

    • 1.8 Talking about the myth "I am rich so I don't need a financial education!"

    • 1.9 Volunteering and financial life skills

    • 1.10 Holiday budgeting

    • 1.11 Financial goal setting for teens

    • 1.12 Talking about gambling advertising

    • 1.13 Talking about financial habits

    • 1.14 Taxation fundamentals

    • 1.15 The meaning of 'best buys'

    • 1.16 Talking about scams

    • 1.17 Youth debt

    • 1.18 Investing in yourself

    • 1.19 Talking about phones

    • 1.20 Holiday financial planning

  3. 3
    • 2.1 Next steps

    • 2.2 Before you go ...

20 Conversation Starters

Quick and easy way to prompt youth-oriented, real-world financial conversations

Pricing options

Price options: 60 days, 180 days, annual

Watch Intro Video


Shared discussions shared learning

Suitable for teachers, youth coordinators and parents

  • Teachers: Encourage students to talk about financial concepts related to their life.

  • Youth coordinators: The more youth in your care talk about financial concepts, the more they will learn.

  • Parents: Help your teenage children to build awareness and understanding of financial concepts. Reassure them, that most teens are concerned about similar things in the financial world.

  • Youth: Talk it up in these chats. You don't have to agree. Ask lots of questions.

How to use

Home, School, Youth group, Financial services, Charity

At home


I will co-select a topic once a week with my teen. Hopefully it will relate to something that has happened in our lives. By using this third-person stimulus, it takes the tension away from being a parent-teen lecture.

School pastoral care


There are many ways to use this resource, but we will use it in our pastoral care program. I will ask students in my group to choose a topic each fortnight and that will get us talking financial concepts throughout the year. (Although there are other courses I want to also use.)

Youth group


I am involved in youth groups at church and in the community. The groups are small, so this resource is great for generating conversations about financial topics, which I can then leverage to introduce the kids to other courses. Financial wellbeing is so important for these kids.

Financial Services


We have been looking for ways to provide financial life skills education to community groups as well as the teenage children of clients. This is perfect. Short, sharp, conversational. A terrific resource.



I do a lot of community work, supporting low-income families as well as youth with mental health concerns. These resources are wonderful. I can use them within the family or with a group of siblings, or also with larger groups back at our centre. They are non-threatening and simple to use.

The Importance of Youth Financial Education

Financial wellbeing stems from a commitment to financial capability and life skills.

  • Huffington Post

    A 28-year study has shown that money worries are increasingly keeping teenagers awake at night. In fact, financial stress is outweighing fears about the environment and global war.

  • OECD: Benefits

    Drop a rock into a lake or pond – the ripples extend outward with wider and wider effects. So it is also with financial education. Well-informed, well-educated consumers can create economic ripples. They make better financial decisions for themselves and their families, increasing their economic security and well being. They are in a position to obtain better jobs ...

  • Royal Commission

    Better-educated people are better equipped to ask the right questions and make more informed decisions. ….. there is an acknowledgement Australia has a serious problem with financial literacy. It's quite frightening really...

  • ACOSS: Poverty

    Poverty in Australia 2018 found that there are just over 3 million people (13.2%) living below the poverty line of 50% of median income – including 739,000 children (17.3%).

  • U S Trust

    95percent of parents surveyed recognize the importance of their children receiving a solid financial education.

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  • Are there free lessons within this course?

    The welcome and facilitator topics are freely accessible. They include a lot of information related to the content of the course. We also provide one free lesson.

  • Is this course just relevant to school settings?

    Definitely not. Youth groups, financial service professionals helping the teenage children of clients, union representatives, university guilds, boarding coordinators and others who have a responsibility for supporting the wellbeing of youth, could implement this course. An important feature of this course is that it will engage the youth in your care. The topics in this course all have a youth orientation.

  • I don't have a lot of financial skills and knowledge myself. Could I still facilitate this course effectively?

    Yes. Most of this course is based on shared discussion. There are no right and wrong answers. We also provide facilitator tips to help guide the conversation. You can also pick and choose which topics and activities you would like your students to do.