Course curriculum

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • Topic 1: A Parent's Need to Plan and Prepare

    • Topic 2: International research

    • Topic 3: Wealth isn't always a blessing!

    • Topic 4: Attitudes!

    • Topic 5: Very Rich Kids

    • Review: Chapter 1

  3. 3
    • Topic 6: Mindsets matter

    • Topic 7: Beware nurturing myths

    • Topic 8: Choosing mentors

    • Topic 9: Creating a teen friendship network

    • Topic 10: Your Family Wealth (Education) Plan

  4. 4
    • Before you go ...

    • Next steps and extras

Wealthy parents ...

95% recognize the importance of their children receiving a solid financial education, 53% were concerned that their children would be adversely affected by wealth

Do we care enough to make financial education happen?

The need is urgent!


Psychology Today, 2016

... the offspring of the affluent today are more distressed than other youth. They show disturbingly high rates of substance use, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, cheating, and stealing. It gives a whole new meaning to having it all.

A delicate balance

Financial Post, 2021

Wealthy parents face delicate balance when passing their money on to their children — especially the wayward ones Giving children too much money too early risks indulging them and making them irresponsible

Millennials and money

TIAA Institute 2020

62% of millennials assess their own financial knowledge as high or very high; however, only 19% of these respondents could answer the three financial literacy questions correctly. These results indicate overconfidence among millennials.

Too sheltered!

DNA India

Many parents try to shelter their kids from financial realities ...

Financial uture

Chris Wren

Your children’s education, financial future, health and happiness are probably the most important issues you will ever deal with as a parent.

Ignorance is not bliss!


Just because kids have access to money, doesn't mean they understand it! Too many are scared to share their ignorance, but it is not their fault!

Pressure and status

CNN, 2019

For some wealthy parents, the pressure to extend their social and financial status to their adult children can be overwhelming. The recent college admission scandal revealed shocking things parents were willing to do to secure spots at top schools. But those same motivations drive some parents to bankroll their kids' lives into early adulthood, often to the detriment of the family.
Watch Intro Video

To preserve financial futures

financial education is a priority


New Ideas


My teen won't read a book, but he needs financial education. This course gave me new ideas to cut through.



I loved the ideas around mindset and networks. The attitude information was scary, but certainly sharpened by thinking. A lot to do, but happy to do it. The kids are worth it!

Looking for a Solution


This is for all parents, not just for those who consider themselves 'wealthy'. So much good information here, but need to think it through. Slow and steady here!

Working on the Plan


It continues to surprise me that no financial institution or service provider does this. Well done to you guys for offering these ideas. Some of it I have found alarming. Some of it I knew, but it was good to hear it again. Developing our plan will be fun!

Reality Check


I needed this reality check. I needed this support. I needed these ideas. It gives me some tools to help my kids.

It's true ...

... a comprehensive financial education becomes a strategic advantage in life...

Bonus material

Some extras to support your teenager's financial knowledge, skills and capability.

  • Teenfinca e-zine

    Free copy of Teenfinca ezine, supporting youth financial capability development

  • Careers and learning about finance

    Link to The Wealth Academy's online video site, where your teenager or young adult can listen to and learn financial learning and careers in finance.

  • Budding entrepreneur

    Entrepreneurs need financial capability. If you have a child interested in this pathway, our Teenfinca Entrepreneur ezine may be a useful resource to share.

Pricing options

We offer two price points for a family - 30 days and 60 days. If you prefer another pricing arrangement please contact us.

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Thank You

A Unique Opportunity

Take this opportunity to learn and develop strategies to support your child's financial life.


  • Who is this course for?

    This course has been developed for parents, specifically those parents who perceive themselves as 'wealthy'. The course contents help those parents to prepare their children for a life with wealth.

  • What is in this course?

    There are 10 topics in the course which are visible in the course outline section above. We take a broad view, giving parents a selection of ideas and opinions, as well as related research. We provide a lot of commentary that may prompt your further investigation and consideration. The content we include, may challenge thinking and perceptions.

  • How long do I have to complete this course?

    You have 2 months to complete the course. This also gives you time to revisit specific topics if you need.

  • Is there a follow up course?

    We are planning at least one follow up courses. It will focus on the wellbeing of children in 'wealthier' families.