At home
Kerry (Careers teacher)
There are so many activities and options here. The challenge will be making best use of all of them. I also love all of the video interviews, which makes it real for our students.
Year level program
Gavin (Year-level coordinator)
I am a year level coordinator and meet with a group of students weekly. It will be easy to do 1 or 2 of the topics each week.
Youth group
I am involved in youth groups at church and in the community. The groups are small, so this resource is great for generating conversations about financial topics, which I can then leverage to introduce the kids to other courses. Financial wellbeing is so important for these kids.
Youth groups
So many of our kids don't follow the traditional academic path, but they all must know about the world of work. This is a one-stop shop with good information, video resources, and activities for students. Heaps of choice.
Youth group
I do a lot of community work, supporting youth and their families. For many, there is recurring unemployment. This course has a set of resources that can help me to make a difference.