Course curriculum

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • Topic 1: Asking Questions Is The Secret To Managing Money

    • Topic 2: How Do I Prepare A Budget?

    • Topic 3: 'Tap and Go" Cards: Stop and Think

    • Topic 4: Costs and Benefits

    • Topic 5: Solving Problems Through Entrepreneurial Behaviour

    • Topic 6: We All Should Have A Financial Licence

    • Topic 7: Insurance: Theft, Viruses and Rock n Roll

    • Topic 8: How Could I Invest $2000? (2)

    • Topic 9: What is Tax?

    • Topic 10: It's Super To Know About 'Super'!

    • Review Your Learning - Youth 16-17 Financial Life Skills

  3. 3
    • 2.1 Before you go ...

    • 2.2 Next steps

Almost Gone

Senior students aged 16 - 17 are thinking more and more about life after school. It is a time when they are confused about their next steps, but they believe sincerely, their school education is going to set them up for their future! A little financial education can give them increased confidence in their post-school next steps. Youth in this age group deserve our commitment to their financial learning and future financial wellbeing.


Schools, youth centres, homes and non-profits

We have choices!


We will use this course two ways. Firstly, in our wellbeing program, because of its simplicity in use and relevance to the lives of our families. Secondly, many Heads of Department have seen the literacies, creative and creative thinking, and other capabilities that are developed through the activities. Very useful in a lot of areas, and the hard work has been done for us! Great stuff!

Home work!


My kids don't like homework at the best of time, but this is home work I am setting. These courses are so beneficial for me as a parent. It is really hard to get kids to read a book, but to have this course and others that enable me to sit beside my kids while they do a course with my support, is a blessing. I am no finance expert, but I don't have to be with these courses and the notes that are provided. Wonderful!

Youth out of school


I work with small groups of kids who don't fit mainstream schooling. These courses make my life so much easier. I can sit one on one, or small group and or whole class, using these courses, and match the topics to the students I am supporting. For most of these kids, understanding money is critical. They are so exposed and vulnerable. Thanks TWA.

Family help


Our organisation does a lot of charity work in the community, supporting families in need. We are keen to facilitate these courses for teenagers in these families during school holidays and in evenings. We need to try and break cycles of poverty and these programs help to do that.

Client support


Our financial planning and accounting business is looking for a new way to serve the needs of our clients. These courses are a perfect fit. We will sponsor some of these courses for our clients to access and also use the courses to run our own workshops. It's a win-win.
Watch Intro Video

Parents, Teachers, Youth Facilitators

Courses to help you care for the youth in your care

Collective action, collective impact

We all have a role in guiding youth financial education

  • Parents

    Guide your child's financial learning. Don't leave it to chance and 'learning from mistakes'. You are in charge. You control the discussion. You dip in and out of this course and other courses to suit your family context.

  • Educators

    You guide the learning. You choose the topics and activities with student voice catered for. Dip in and out of courses, topics and activities to suit the needs of your students. You have total control.

  • Youth workers

    You are supported with facilitator tips and discussion points. All the preparation has been done for you. You just need to guide the conversation. NO expertise required, just keep each lesson moving. Choose topics from across our courses that meet the needs of the youth in your care.

  • Financial services

    Look after your clients with teenage children or grandchildren. Deliver this course at your premises or give access online. Talk to us about more personalised opportunities.

  • Business

    Look after your employees with teenage children. Offer a value-added care package for your clients with teenagers. Your support for or gift of financial education, is gift that will last their lifetime.

  • Youth group

    Find like-minded 18+ youth and/or your preferred adult facilitator. Create a group and work through the course together. Generate your own discussions.

Australian Secondary Principals' Association

The Wealth Academy, along with its corporate partners, helps school leaders to prepare students for the financial world in which they live. ASPA welcomes the support of The Wealth Academy in helping our members to provide a better, preferred financial future for all students in government secondary schools. Andrew Pierpoint, President


Financial education has never been more important!

A lack of financial literacy


A lack of financial literacy affects people in developed or advanced economies, as well as those who live in emerging or developing countries. Consumers in advanced economies also fail to demonstrate a strong grasp of financial principles that can help them understand and negotiate the financial landscape, manage financial risks effectively, and avoid financial pitfalls. Nations globally, from Korea to Australia to Germany, are faced with populations that do not understand financial basics. The level of financial literacy may vary with education and income levels, but evidence shows that highly educated consumers with high incomes can be just as ignorant about financial issues as less-educated, lower-income consumers.

Nations depend ...

Financial Educators Council

... the health and strength of entire nations depend on the financial literacy of every individual. When people know how to make sound decisions about their personal finances, their strong financial behavior leads to financially secure lives. The fewer people who make bad decisions about their personal finances, the stronger the society will become.

Core life skill


Financial literacy is a core life skill for participating in modern society. Children are growing up in an increasingly complex world where they will eventually need to take charge of their own financial future. As young adults learning to live independently they will need to know how to budget and make wise financial choices for everyday living, for example, choosing mobile phone and utility contracts. They will need to manage risks: save for a ‘rainy day’, avoid taking on unmanageable debt, and provide for their old age and health care. Financial products and services vary widely and, in the case of credit, can be almost too easily accessible for many of today’s young people.

Future wellbeing

Alan Greenspan (USA Federal Reserve)

Like all learning, financial education is a process that should begin at an early age and continue throughout life. This cumulative process builds the skills necessary for making critical financial decisions that affect one’s ability to attain the assets, such as education, property, and savings, that improve economic well-being.

Independant Schools

ABSA has partnered with TWA to develop and implement a long-term solution to help our boarders develop their financial wellbeing for the future. TWA’s approach of supporting youth, parents and the broader community is unique and innovative. We believe in this approach. Future financial wellbeing should be invested in. It should not be a matter of chance! Richard Stokes, CEO

Bonus material

Extras to help you support the financial learning of the youth in your care.

  • ePosters

    A set of eposters aligned to each of the 10 core topics is included and available for download.

  • E-zines

    Free copies of a recent Teenfinca and Teenfinca Entrepreneur ezine which help youth to develop their financial capability and promote financial wellbeing.

  • Video resources

    Connect to our online video site with interviews related to personal financial management, accountancy, economics, careers and financial life skill perspectives.

Pricing options

We provide different pricing options based on the type of entity purchasing the course and the time period required. If you prefer another pricing arrangement please contact us. If your school or entity cannot use a credit card to purchase this course, send us a purchase order and we will invoice you.


  • Who is this course for?

    This mini-course has been developed for the teenagers in senior school (16-17), tertiary and vocational education. Many of the topics within would be of interest to teenagers younger and older than this age group. In this course, a facilitator (possibly you) leads one or more students through the activities. It is not designed as a self-education course, although students could choose to self-educate if they prefer.

  • What is in this mini-course?

    We have chosen ten topics for this course. It is always debatable what goes into any course selection, but we have taken a program view, and considered the range of topics in our range of courses from upper primary through to late teenage students. Facilitators have the option of dipping in and out of this course as well as other age level courses to deliver their own specific program. We expect facilitators will make good use of that flexibility. From reading the topics, you will see that there is a breadth of topics, ensuring lots of variety. Once you get into the course you will also note that we dip into websites and articles and links from around the world. The WWW is an open-source library of resources which we will point you towards if we think it will add value to your student's learning.

  • Why is this a facilitated course?

    It has been developed to help those who have a passion, interest or responsibility to support the wellbeing of teenagers. This type of course is constructed on the premise that there is a facilitator at the front of a room, guiding the learning of one or more students through the topics of the course, using a data projector or smart board. Or it could be a parent helping a child in their home study, or a youth coordinator supporting teens in need, or a financial planner or accountant supporting the children of clients.

  • Is there flexibility within the course for facilitators?

    Facilitators may choose to do all 10 topics or just one. They also have the choice of doing all, some or none of the activities within each course topic. We aim to give the facilitator as much choice as possible.

  • What are the privacy provisions?

    It is important to note, that there is NO student information collected through the facilitator model. It is a facilitator's username and email address that is collected as part of the subscription process. This is necessary to maintain vigilance over security, as well as support for the facilitator.

  • How long do I have to complete the course, once registered?

    We provide a 4 month window from registration date. As there are only 10 topics, 4 months should be ample time to complete the course with students.

  • Will the course be exactly the same each year?

    No.We intend to update and add lessons to each course regularly, giving you greater choice in how you use the course in a school, college or organisational setting. We understand that you may want to use the course each year with different sets of students.

Give the gift of financial learning

The youth in your care may not appreciate the gift right now, but they will in the future.

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