
Pricing options

Different prices for different time periods.

How to use?

Courses and content that can be used across the boarding school.

  • Professional development and contextual information for boarding staff

  • Stories and perspectives that develop financial awareness and capability. (Senior boarders)

  • School kids and stories (Middle and senior school boarders)

  • Conversation starters for groups of boarders in middle and senior school.

  • Build your own program using various content from different courses, to match the needs of your boarders.

Australian Boarding Schools' Association

ABSA is committed to helping boarders prepare for the real world and providing a financial education is part of our duty of care! These courses help boarders prepare for life after school. I encourage all boarding houses to offer this service. (Richard Stokes, CEO ABSA)

Extra Services

Resources for Directors of Boarding and parents of boarders

  • Staff Professional Development

    The Wealth Academy provides staff professional development on how to use our resources and best develop boarder financial capability. We can do this in multiple formats. Contact us for further information.

  • School-Specific Courses

    Do you need tailored online courses for your boarders? We can work with you and your community, to develop specific courses for your needs.

  • Boarder Money Club

    In every boarding house there will be boarders who want to dig deeper and learn more. The Wealth Academy can help you set up a club for interested boarders that explores topics of interest, engages with local experts and participates in online seminars.

Social proof: testimonials



I can create my own specific program from the large range of topics within these courses. Brilliant!

Age Groups


In the first year I plan to use all the courses as they are. But hopefully, in the second year, I can mix and match the course content to suit different needs I have in the boarding house.

Something for Everyone


There are over 500 activities and 80 topics in this bundle. Wow. There is something here for all of our boarders.



The secret to success here, is routine. These lessons need to be scheduled. They need to be bite sized, short, sharp and directed. They also need to be regular. Once the routine is established, it will be hard to stop.

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